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Proofreading & Editing Prices (.doc)

Editing in Russian and Proofreading Services

Editing and proofreading of Russian texts is a process whereby the corrections are being entered into the text (article, document, book, etc.). Editing in Russian should be understood, first of all, as improving the spelling, punctuation, composition, style, etc. Proofreading is the next step, which consists in eliminating various errors and shortcomings in editing and typing.

In our company, editing and proofreading of texts in Russian is performed by one editor-proofreader. It is done out of the desire to shorten the time-limit for doing work and its cost, while maintaining the quality at a high level. Literary editing of texts or, as this process is also called, proofreading of literary texts means the correction of lexical, morphological, syntactic and stylistic errors.

The price of Editing in Russian Services is indicated for one page (~ 250 words). The price does not depend on the theme:

Translation Price List
Service Price, EUR

per page per word
Adaptation (editing) of scientific text 8 EUR 0.03 EUR
Adaptation (editing) of advertising text 8 EUR 0.03 EUR
Adaptation (editing) of a literary text 8 EUR 0.03 EUR
certification of the translation by the stamp 3 EUR 0.01 EUR
Manuscript typing (any language) 8 EUR 0.03 EUR
Manuscript typing (any language) 5 EUR 0.02 EUR
Bibliographic list editing 13 EUR 0.05 EUR
Checking for plagiarism of articles and texts 3 EUR 0.01 EUR
Stylistic editing of the text : english 11 EUR 0.04 EUR
Proofreading - english 5 EUR 0.02 EUR
Stylistic editing of the text : spanish 8 EUR 0.03 EUR
Stylistic editing of the text : chinese 9 EUR 0.04 EUR
Stylistic editing of the text : german 8 EUR 0.03 EUR
Stylistic editing of the text : russian 5 EUR 0.02 EUR
Stylistic editing of the text : slovac 9 EUR 0.04 EUR
Stylistic editing of the text : slovenian 9 EUR 0.04 EUR
Stylistic editing of the text finnish 9 EUR 0.04 EUR
Stylistic editing of the text : french 9 EUR 0.04 EUR
Stylistic editing of the text : japanese 14 EUR 0.05 EUR
Stylistic editing of the text : english 11 EUR 0.04 EUR
Stylistic editing of the text : russian 8 EUR 0.03 EUR
Translation cost includes all taxes
Translation Price List

It should be noted that during editing, not only the individual errors are corrected, but also the text fragments are altered, the sentences are reorganized, the repetitions, ambiguity and other inconsistencies are eliminated. We will fix errors related to grammar, punctuation and readability. The ultimate purpose of editing is to bring the form of the text into line with its content. If a careful approach to the literary editing is taken, no proper proofreading is required any longer.

Even at the translation stage, our translators deeply study the subject of translated texts and carefully select language terms to transfer the meaning of the phenomena that have not yet been described in the target language. The range of texts we deal with is very wide: they can be both by-laws of the companies, and guidance documents for foreign networks and company branches, and presentation materials, and media materials, analytical materials, as well as marketing and promotional materials.

How we proofread, edit and improve your document?

The text editing implies standard stylistic adjusting, with occasional preservation in the translated document of syntactic constructions and loan-translations and with the subsequent simplification of a complex model in formatting of the final text. We will improve style, diction, and tone of your document. Our editors strive to comply with the highest possible requirements for stylistic refinement of the received text, which at the output should be perceived as a text originally written by a native speaker. Their task is to preserve the lexical variety, the flexibility of syntactic constructions and to observe the absolute accuracy of the translation of specialized terminology, while preserving formatting and even infographics from the original in the translated text.

In addition to literary editing of the text in Russian, our editors concurrently perform semantic editing, which is aimed at improving the structure of the text, building or rearranging the logic of presentation. Russian editor will correct awkward phrasing to ensure that your document is easy to understand.

Another component of the editor’s work is the stylistic editing of the text, which involves bringing the author`s text to a single style or, if necessary, changing the existing style. Unlike literary editing, when the author`s style remains unchanged, stylistic editing deals precisely with the style of the text.

Competitive pricing for Proofreading

We are neither the cheapest nor the most expensive; we offer Editing and Proofreading Services at mid-range prices. The price is specified as cost per one words or one page (250 words ~ 1 standart page):

Translation Price List
Service Price, EUR

per page per word
Adaptation (editing) of scientific text 8 EUR 0.03 EUR
Adaptation (editing) of advertising text 8 EUR 0.03 EUR
Adaptation (editing) of a literary text 8 EUR 0.03 EUR
certification of the translation by the stamp 3 EUR 0.01 EUR
Proofreading azerbaijani 8 EUR 0.03 EUR
Proofreading - english (UK) 8 EUR 0.03 EUR
Proofreading - english (US) 8 EUR 0.03 EUR
Proofreading - arabic 9 EUR 0.04 EUR
Proofreading armenian 8 EUR 0.03 EUR
Proofreading - bulgarian 8 EUR 0.03 EUR
Proofreading - hungarian 9 EUR 0.04 EUR
Proofreading - vietnamese 9 EUR 0.04 EUR
Proofreading - greek 9 EUR 0.04 EUR
Proofreading - dannish 9 EUR 0.04 EUR
Proofreading - hebrew 14 EUR 0.05 EUR
Proofreading - Indonesian 9 EUR 0.04 EUR
Proofreading - spanish 8 EUR 0.03 EUR
Proofreading - italian 9 EUR 0.04 EUR
Proofreading - kazakh 8 EUR 0.03 EUR
Proofreading - kyrgyz 8 EUR 0.03 EUR
Proofreading - chinese 9 EUR 0.04 EUR
Proofreading - korean 14 EUR 0.05 EUR
Proofreading - latvian 9 EUR 0.04 EUR
Proofreading - lithuanian 9 EUR 0.04 EUR
Proofreading - moldavian 9 EUR 0.04 EUR
Proofreading - german 8 EUR 0.03 EUR
Proofreading - dutch 9 EUR 0.04 EUR
Proofreading - norwegian 9 EUR 0.04 EUR
Proofreading - persian 9 EUR 0.04 EUR
Proofreading - polish 9 EUR 0.04 EUR
Proofreading - portugese 9 EUR 0.04 EUR
Proofreading - romanian 9 EUR 0.04 EUR
Stylistic editing of the text - russian 5 EUR 0.02 EUR
Proofreading - serbian 9 EUR 0.04 EUR
Proofreading - slovac 9 EUR 0.04 EUR
Proofreading - slovenian 9 EUR 0.04 EUR
Proofreading - turkish 9 EUR 0.04 EUR
Proofreading - turkmen 8 EUR 0.03 EUR
Proofreading - uzbek 8 EUR 0.03 EUR
Proofreading - Farsi 9 EUR 0.04 EUR
Proofreading - finnish 9 EUR 0.04 EUR
Proofreading - french 9 EUR 0.04 EUR
Proofreading - hindi 9 EUR 0.04 EUR
Proofreading - croatian 9 EUR 0.04 EUR
Proofreading - montenegro 9 EUR 0.04 EUR
Proofreading - czech 9 EUR 0.04 EUR
Proofreading - swedish 9 EUR 0.04 EUR
Proofreading - estonian 9 EUR 0.04 EUR
Proofreading - japanese 14 EUR 0.05 EUR
Proofreading 0 EUR 0.00 EUR
Translation cost includes all taxes
Translation Price List

Tracked All Changes

We use Word’s feature so you will see all of the amendments that editor have made.

The last and final stage of the editing service is scientific and technical editing, when the text includes tables, formulas, technical illustrations, diagrams and graphs, which should be brought into proper consistency with international and domestic standards, designate correctly physical quantities, symbols, etc.

At the stage of technical editing, the layout is prepared for publication: the edition format, the size and typeface of fonts, lines and other elements of text highlighting are selected, the final adjusting of the structure and placement of the text with illustrations on each strip.

Hire us to improve your document. Send the document for Proofreading

Native Speaker Translators  Annotation style and terminology  

Proofreadit.ru © 2001-2025 Moscow, Russia
+7 495 504-71-35

info@proofreadit.ru | Contacts | Proofreading & Editing Prices (.doc)

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